Compare Togo & its neighbours

(Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana)

TogoBeninBurkina FasoGhana
Country CodeTGBJBFGH
Area (sq km)56,785112,622274,200238,533
Coastline (km)56121539
Highest Point (m)986 (Mont Agou)658 (Mont Sokbaro)749 (Tena Kourou)885 (Mount Afadjato)
Average Elevation (m)236273297190
Median Age19.9018.4017.4021.20
Growth Rate2.61 %2.68 %2.76 %2.16 %
Birth Rate (Births a year per 1,000 people)32.8034.5036.9030.20
Death Rate (Deaths a year per 1,000 people)6.807.708.706.80
Urban Population41.70 %47.30 %29.40 %56.10 %
Mothers age at first birth21.0020.4019.4022.30
Maternal mortality rate (Deaths per 100,000 live births)368.00405.00371.00319.00
Infant mortality rate (Deaths under 1 year per 1,000 births)40.8051.5054.7034.10
Health expenditure (As a percentage of GDP)5.20 %4.60 %5.00 %3.60 %
Physicians (per 1,000 people)
Hospital beds (per 1,000 people)0.700.500.400.90
Adult obesity (Percentage of population with BMI > 30)8.40 %9.60 %5.60 %10.90 %
Education expenditure (As a percentage of GDP)5.10 %4.00 %4.20 %4.50 %
School life (years)1313912
Youth unemployment (% of 15 to 24 years old unemployed)2.80 %5.60 %8.70 %15.20 %
GDP (Gross Domestic Product in US $)12.970 billion25.390 billion35.850 billion134.000 billion
Growth Rate (Real growth rate of GDP)4.40 %5.60 %6.40 %8.40 %
GDP per capita (Gross Domestic Product per person, in US $)1,7002,3001,9004,700
Gross National Saving (National saving as a percent of GDP)16.10 %17.30 %9.30 %9.00 %