(Comoros, Switzerland, Madagascar, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe)
Mozambique | ||
Misc | ||
Country Code | MZ | |
Geography | ||
Area (sq km) | 799,380 | |
Coastline (km) | 2,470 | |
Highest Point (m) | 2,436 (Monte Binga) | |
Average Elevation (m) | 345 | |
People | ||
Population | 27,233,789 | |
Median Age | 17.30 | |
Growth Rate | 2.46 % | |
Birth Rate (Births a year per 1,000 people) | 37.80 | |
Death Rate (Deaths a year per 1,000 people) | 11.40 | |
Urban Population | 36.00 % | |
Health | ||
Mothers age at first birth | 18.90 | |
Maternal mortality rate (Deaths per 100,000 live births) | 489.00 | |
Infant mortality rate (Deaths under 1 year per 1,000 births) | 64.00 | |
Health expenditure (As a percentage of GDP) | 7.00 % | |
Physicians (per 1,000 people) | 0.07 | |
Hospital beds (per 1,000 people) | 0.70 | |
Adult obesity (Percentage of population with BMI > 30) | 7.20 % | |
Education | ||
Education expenditure (As a percentage of GDP) | 6.50 % | |
School life (years) | 10 | |
Youth unemployment (% of 15 to 24 years old unemployed) | 7.40 % | |
Economy | ||
GDP (Gross Domestic Product in US $) | 37.090 billion | |
Growth Rate (Real growth rate of GDP) | 3.70 % | |
GDP per capita (Gross Domestic Product per person, in US $) | 1,300 | |
Gross National Saving (National saving as a percent of GDP) | 16.80 % |