Compare Kuwait & its neighbours

(Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia)

KuwaitIranIraqSaudi Arabia
Country CodeKWIRIQSA
Area (sq km)17,8181,648,195438,3172,149,690
Coastline (km)4992,440582,640
Highest Point (m)45,625 (Kuh-e Damavand)3,611 (Cheekha Dar (Kurdish for "Black Tent"))3,133 (Jabal Sawda')
Average Elevation (m)1081,305312665
Median Age29.4030.8020.2029.90
Growth Rate1.38 %1.19 %2.50 %1.63 %
Birth Rate (Births a year per 1,000 people)18.8017.4030.0015.60
Death Rate (Deaths a year per 1,000 people)2.305.303.803.30
Urban Population100.00 %74.90 %70.50 %83.80 %
Mothers age at first birth
Maternal mortality rate (Deaths per 100,000 live births)4.0025.0050.0012.00
Infant mortality rate (Deaths under 1 year per 1,000 births)6.8015.5037.5012.10
Health expenditure (As a percentage of GDP)3.00 %6.90 %5.50 %4.70 %
Physicians (per 1,000 people)2.581.140.822.39
Hospital beds (per 1,000 people)
Adult obesity (Percentage of population with BMI > 30)37.90 %25.80 %30.40 %35.40 %
Education expenditure (As a percentage of GDP)3.80 %
School life (years)141517
Youth unemployment (% of 15 to 24 years old unemployed)15.40 %28.40 %25.60 %24.20 %
GDP (Gross Domestic Product in US $)289.700 billion1.640 trillion649.300 billion1.775 trillion
Growth Rate (Real growth rate of GDP)-3.30 %3.70 %-2.10 %-0.90 %
GDP per capita (Gross Domestic Product per person, in US $)65,80020,10016,70054,500
Gross National Saving (National saving as a percent of GDP)35.40 %37.90 %19.00 %30.10 %