Compare French Polynesia & its neighbours
(Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands)
| French Polynesia | Comoros | Madagascar | Mauritius | Seychelles | Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands |
Country Code | | PF | KM | MG | MU | SC | HM |
(sq km) | | 4,167 | 2,235 | 587,041 | 2,040 | 455 | 412 |
(km) | | 2,525 | 340 | 4,828 | 177 | 491 | 102 |
Highest Point
(m) | | 2,241
(Mont Orohena) | 2,360
(Karthala) | 2,876
(Maromokotro) | 828
(Mont Piton) | 905
(Morne Seychellois) | 2,745
(Mawson Peak on Big Ben volcano) |
Average Elevation
(m) | | | | 615 | | | |
Population | | 290,373 | 821,164 | 25,683,610 | 1,364,283 | 94,633 | |
Median Age | | 32.40 | 20.20 | 19.90 | 35.70 | 35.80 | |
Growth Rate | | 0.85 % | 1.57 % | 2.46 % | 0.57 % | 0.74 % | |
Birth Rate
(Births a year per 1,000 people) | | 14.50 | 25.30 | 31.00 | 12.80 | 13.40 | |
Death Rate
(Deaths a year per 1,000 people) | | 5.30 | 7.10 | 6.40 | 7.10 | 7.00 | |
Urban Population | | 61.80 % | 29.00 % | 37.20 % | 40.80 % | 56.70 % | |
Mothers age at first birth | | | 24.60 | 19.50 | | | |
Maternal mortality rate
(Deaths per 100,000 live births) | | | 335.00 | 353.00 | 53.00 | | |
Infant mortality rate
(Deaths under 1 year per 1,000 births) | | 4.60 | 58.30 | 40.10 | 9.50 | 9.70 | |
Health expenditure
(As a percentage of GDP) | | | 6.70 % | 3.00 % | 4.80 % | 3.40 % | |
(per 1,000 people) | | 2.13 | 0.17 | 0.18 | 2.31 | 0.95 | |
Hospital beds
(per 1,000 people) | | | 2.20 | 0.20 | 3.54 | 3.60 | |
Adult obesity
(Percentage of population with BMI > 30) | | | 7.80 % | 5.30 % | 10.80 % | 14.00 % | |
Education expenditure
(As a percentage of GDP) | | | 4.30 % | 2.80 % | 5.00 % | 4.40 % | |
School life
(years) | | | 11 | 10 | 15 | 16 | |
Youth unemployment
(% of 15 to 24 years old unemployed) | | 56.70 % | | 1.00 % | 24.00 % | 14.00 % | |
(Gross Domestic Product in US $) | | 5.490 billion | 1.319 billion | 39.850 billion | 28.270 billion | 2.750 billion | |
Growth Rate
(Real growth rate of GDP) | | 2.00 % | 2.70 % | 4.20 % | 3.80 % | 5.30 % | |
GDP per capita
(Gross Domestic Product per person, in US $) | | 17,000 | 1,600 | 1,600 | 22,300 | 29,300 | |
Gross National Saving
(National saving as a percent of GDP) | | | 17.30 % | 14.80 % | 16.90 % | 8.10 % | |